
MeloSol Documentation

This repository contains all of the informaiton for documenting the MeloSol corpus.

As described in this data report published in Empirical Musicology Review, the MeloSol corpus is a a collection of 783 Western, tonal monophonic melodies. You can find the melodies in the corpus/krn directory of the github repository.

The repository also contains all materials used to generate the analyses presented in the original data report. This means the repository also contains the entire Densmore and Essen collections.

For each of the three datasets used, there also exists a directory of 38 extracted features in corpus/fantastic that were created using the FANTASTIC toolbox. These computations form the basis of the figures that appear in the paper and below.

Please cite the EMR data report when using this corpus (and email me to let me know someone’s using it).

Baker, D. (2021). MeloSol corpus. Empirical Musicology Review, 16(1), 106-113.

In this repository, you will find the following:

The accepted pre-print can be found here.

Figures in Document

Overview of Corpus Count Data FANTASTIC Huron Contour Class Bootstrap Analysis Correlation Breakdown